Successful, interactive learning in remote classrooms


教育工作者需要远程学习策略,利用学习管理系统使学生取得成功. 这些策略必须包括使用安全的多媒体和IT技术.

Successful, interactive learning in remote classrooms

教育工作者需要远程学习策略,利用使用安全多媒体和IT技术的学习管理系统,使学生取得成功. 2020年春天, 世界各地的教育工作者都面临着残酷的现实——继续亲自教学,可能会感染甚至更糟, or pivot to remote learning, 准备好了吗?. 许多人别无选择,因为学区关闭了教室,并希望教师能够远程授课, 很快.

Tools for remote learning not equivalent to classrooms

许多教育工作者发现,远程学习的工具很少能反映出教师在实际课堂上所能做到的.   例如, in primary/secondary education, teachers routinely group students, 监控他们的活动, 提供指导和提示, and are available for private consultation. 另外, 他们能够用各种各样的策略快速处理课堂混乱, 从多年的经验磨练和建议,从同事和大师教师或管理人员.

在高等教育中, teachers routinely ask questions from the students, enhance examples with video or other media, and often record their lectures.  Both segments use learning management platforms, which provide the anchor for the course, 包括教学大纲, 评估, 和内容.

在人? 完全远程? 或HyFlex?

As teachers and students return this fall, 许多国家仍在决定教学和学习是什么样子的……是亲自授课吗? 它会是完全遥远的吗? Is it a hybrid of the two, also known as HyFlex?

No matter the delivery modality, 教育工作者知道,为了最好地吸引学生,他们需要提供尽可能接近实际课堂的体验.  为熟悉的活动提供连续性是交互式远程学习的一个重要方面, with remote learning platforms providing:

课堂控制 – the ability to maintain a learning mindset in the classroom

Integration with LMS platforms -通过使用学习管理系统(LMS)平台,熟悉已知的工具和流程 

隐私 -确保学生和老师的隐私受到保护和尊重

出席 -让学校或学区知道学生的成功何时受到影响

安全 – ensuring only registered students are attending

多媒体内容 – the ability to deliver diverse, 引人入胜的内容, 包括视频, audio, 图形化的, 文本和PowerPoint媒体

Controlling the classroom to maintain a learning mindset

在理想的情况下, classroom controls are set up generally for each course, with the instructor deciding how much access they allow for all students, 在教学过程中,教师可以快速启用必要的功能(聊天), video, audio, file sharing) for a specific student.  除了, 课堂控制的另一个方面是把学生分成学习或活动小组, such that the teacher is able to monitor their activities.

隐私 -确保学生和老师的隐私受到保护和尊重

出席 -让学校或学区知道学生的成功何时受到影响

安全 – ensuring only registered students are attending

多媒体内容 – the ability to deliver diverse, 引人入胜的内容, 包括视频, audio, 图形化的, 文本和PowerPoint媒体

Integration with learning management systems

与LMS平台的集成允许教师继续使用与在校时相同的工具, 提供稳定的, 熟悉的经验, 减轻压力,在本已充满压力的时候学习新的工具或方法.


The desire to protect our children’s privacy is global.  隐私和安全的概念很容易混淆,因为它们是同一枚硬币的两面. 我们需要确保虚拟教室里的交流是私密的,就像在校园里进行教学一样.

这意味着我们还需要安全——确保只有注册过的学生才能进入教室.  远程学习环境中的私有通信从端到端加密开始, 但他们并不止于此.  If the remote learning application is in the cloud, the data needs to be encrypted t在这里 too, 通过ISO/IEC 27001认证,确保适当的安全管理到位,以保护对数据的访问.

出席 is mandatory for success

Student success is a trending focus point for higher education.  Returning to campus greatly improves the results of this focus, but if the campus is in hyflex or fully remote teaching mode, it is difficult to identify and intercede.  Course attendance is the first predictor of a student’s academic success.

As with primary / secondary institutions, 课堂出勤数据对于确定是否需要干预或采取其他策略至关重要.  因此, 在校园里, 基于位置的服务可以提供一种自动机制来确定出勤情况. 而且,在HyFlex或完全远程中,自动出勤报告应该是一个标准.


最后, no matter the modality used for returning to school, engaging teaching strategies, leveraging interactive and multimedia resources will be widely employed.  This should be no surprise when analyzing course evaluations from the spring. Students are more engaged when they are involved in the content, 这反映了Educause关于2019年本科生与信息技术研究的研究报告,即学生更喜欢混合学习环境来进行许多课堂活动.

在校园里, 访问带宽密集型材料需要由底层以太网基础设施支持的高性能Wi-Fi, 由策略驱动的学生配置文件进一步支持,这些配置文件支持访问并保持网络性能.

Whether the fall of 2020 is a return to normal, a return to the spring or something in between, 我们所学到的经验可以帮助您提供最适合学生成功的教学和学习环境.

了解更多阿尔卡特朗讯企业版如何帮助您成功管理远程教室中的交互式学习, 请浏览我们的 学习的连续性 section.



Global Sales Lead, 教育 Vertical

格雷格Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s 教育 vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 





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教育 today: Why modernising campus networks is a must



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