

To prevent your employees from feeling isolated when remote working, listen to their needs and turn disadvantages into advantages.


在过去的几年里, we’ve seen just how detrimental feelings of isolation can be for our teams. Even employees who might have assumed they would be comfortable “working alone” have learned their creativity and productivity can suffer when they are out of the office for an extended period.

不幸的是,很多公司, lockdowns and restrictions may mean teams are required to work from home in certain situations. 当这种情况发生时, companies need to be prepared to assist employees in operating effectively from home.


While most organisations didn’t expect the shift to hybrid and remote working to happen as quickly as it did, 拥有一个分布式的劳动力是有好处的. 使团队成员能够在家工作, 至少在某些时候是这样, 可以提高生产力水平, 减少内部员工的成本, 甚至提高整体业务绩效.

These benefits are why many companies have begun implementing long-term hybrid working strategies. 然而, the reality of employee isolation has many companies focusing on hybrid work environments rather than all-remote operations. For some employees, an in-office connection with colleagues is still the preferred way to work. Unfortunately, this isn’t possible during periods of isolation.

With infections on the rise again, a number of countries are edging towards more lockdowns. The demand for caution on a greater level means many people will soon be asked to isolate again.

公司将进入下一波封锁, with the same lack of preparation exhibited during earlier lockdowns, 冒员工孤立的重大风险. 生产力和参与度的下降是可以预料的, 迫使企业在完成目标方面进一步落后.


One of the most important lessons we’ve learned during these times is companies need a strategy in place. 在很多情况下, organisations have responded to the issue ‘as best they could’, rather than having a pre-defined strategy to deal with employees, 通信需求, 隔离因素, 除此之外.

Preparation provides the tools required to maintain the level of productive engagement companies need to thrive. 在之前的封锁中, half of the working world saw losses in productivity simply because people weren’t equipped to work in a new environment. Organisations need to ensure the right strategies are in place to help employees – particularly those who have spent decades working in an office environment and whose well-being is dependent on routine.


One of the most important things companies can do right now is plan. The sooner they identify the right technology and tools, the better off they’ll be.

Companies need to think about how they can provide the best possible work experience for their employees. 他们需要考虑如何让人们保持参与, 快乐, 当他们在家的时候也可以Contact, and what management can do to encourage high levels of productivity and efficiency.

Success won’t come by simply ‘doing your best’ to address issues as they present themselves. Companies need to look to the future and consider long-term flexible strategies.

接下来有几个重要的考虑因素. 例如, the applications and tools you select to enable your workforce must integrate with your current services and systems. 对于希望发展的企业来说,灵活性至关重要. 这些工具的稳定性也至关重要. 而通信系统可能会遇到问题, selecting the right vendors and partners to support your workplace transformation can provide stability.


公司需要倾听员工的心声. Creating open communications in an evolving workplace is essential. Not only does being ‘listened to’ help employees feel less isolated – it also lets companies collect information about what is important to their staff.

Establishing a strong internal communication channel is a ‘must-have’ to prepare for ongoing lockdown situations. You’ll need to find multiple ways to collect employee feedback. If you try to implement technology your employees don’t want, 没有他们的支持, 影子IT等问题可能会突然出现.

While any sudden and unwanted transition can be a complicated experience for a business, companies have an opportunity to prepare more effectively for change — whatever may lay ahead.

学习如何 阿尔卡特朗讯企业 能帮助你的公司为未来做准备吗, 在保持生意兴隆的同时, 员工参与, 顾客满意, 今天.




In 2018, Toni started out as a Business Development Manager at ALE. In 2020 he took over the position as the SaaS Product Marketing Manager with the 云通信 Business Division. Prior to his ALE time he has managed international teams of content creators, 推出并有效推广应用程序, 帮助建立网站, market businesses and form strong and unique messaging for businesses around the globe.

Marketing is more than writing a few cool words on an image or having a movie star hold long-winded speeches about a product. 它也不仅仅是一个愿景,一个使命或一个为什么. 营销给产品, services and people a deep context and consumers a feeling and an experience they don't get anyw在这里 else.





Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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教育al institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet 今天’s new requirements.

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一个现代, campus-wide network upgrade aligns capabilities with academic, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 

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现代化的校园网有助于简化运营, 降低成本, 并为工作和学习提供了一个安全和关怀的地方.

标签- 业务连续性
