

在原版《火狐体育手机官网》电影的结尾, Marty cautions Doc Brown that t在这里 isn’t enough road for the DeLorean time machine to achieve the necessary 88 MPH to catapult them into time travel, 医生对此作出回应, “道路? 我们要去的地方,不需要路吗."

(我在哪里.e., 他们的目标是2015年,而我们现在知道,我们仍然需要道路. 事实上, the number of vehicles on the world’s roads crossed the one billion count in 2010, 预计到2035年,这一数字将翻一番,达到20亿辆. 这是不到20年的时间.

What is very different about today’s roads versus 1985’s is how much of an education they have undergone in the interim. 道路是彻头彻尾的 聪明的 今天,可以说,非常 敏感的也. 他们变得越来越聪明,越来越敏感. 道路, 以及整个交通基础设施, 处于物联网(物联网)技术革命的前沿. The communication infrastructure build-outs that parallel the road systems themselves have their own names specific to the industry that they serve. 它们被称为智能交通系统(ITS).

智能跟上物联网在ITS -博客主体


智能交通系统 (ITS) serve the role of communicating information about an array of road conditions along with dynamic, contextually-relevant instructions to travelers and first responders about the appropriate behavior that is required.

它们是如何工作的?? 路边传感器和摄像头收集交通数据, 天气, and other environmental conditions supported by a vast network of communication pipes that parallel the roads themselves enabling them to respond accordingly:

• Instructions are sent to digital signage that may include messages for travelers about conditions ahead of them
• Or the system may simply change the street signaling pattern to adjust to traffic flow conditions
• Or may change the posted speed limit accordingly, alerting drivers to slow down

在时间, 系统将直接与车辆通信, 到那时,它们将在很大程度上是自我驱动的, and vehicles will adjust their speed and traveling behavior to optimally-respond to prevailing conditions.

These systems constitute the most advanced expression of the vehicle highways’ information highways. Demands being placed on these information highways are exponentially growing in both volume and complexity. This calls for significant reinvention and upgrading of traditional ITS infrastructures and, 就像世界上其他地方一样, 交通运输部门已经开始认识到知识产权的优点. They need the right network infrastructure tools to provide a robust and reasonably administered ITS network to accommodate the explosion of the 物联网 on our roads.

阿尔卡特朗讯OmniSwitch 6865面世

阿尔卡特-朗讯的 OmniSwitch®6865加固以太网交换机 (OS6865)解决了ITS中新兴物联网的需求. It delivers the perfect combination of features and functions that enable departments of transportation (DOT) and other regional and local transportation sector entities to build out their road-based ITS infrastructure the right way for today and for the future:

•环保意识 - OS6865是用来处理任何元素扔给它的, meeting stringent NEMA TS-2 specifications for harsh temperatures -40º to 165º F (-40° to 74° C), 振动, 以及粉尘状况. 简而言之,它是为公路而建的.
•弹性 – The OS6865 offers the unmatched redundancy and availability feature set afforded by IEEE 802.1aq standard Shortest Path Bridging Mac-in-Mac (SPB-M) for robust 部署ment topologies such as rings, 星星, 网格结构.
•延长物联网生命周期 – The OS6865 will handle today’s 相机 and sensors and those that are being designed and built for tomorrow. 支持 for 1G and 10G uplinks ensures an upgrade path for the bandwidth requirements of tomorrow, and 坡 and 坡+ support for today’s devices is complemented by support for tomorrow’s demanding power draws of up to 75W for multiple connected 相机 or other devices, 使用交流或直流电源, 或两个.
•易于部署和维护 —OS6865提供优雅, 自动化, 几乎没有触摸部署选项, 由屡获殊荣的智能织物领导, 以及强大友好的NMS监控. 而SBP的优点——作为一种易于设计, 部署, service and maintain technology – ensure that the nightmare of relying on Spanning Tree (STP) can be a thing of the past

智能跟上物联网在ITS -博客主体


The Nevada Department of 运输 (NDOT) is well ahead of the curve 当 it comes to scoping out and beginning to build their ITS network to accommodate the future 物联网. After an exhaustive evaluation of available technologies, NDOT has selected the OmniSwitch 6865 as the platform on which it will build its ITS network that covers the state of Nevada.

在短暂的, NDOT wanted to get rid of Spanning Tree (STP) with all its attendant headaches and at the same time build an 物联网 container-centric architecture to handle the emerging array of sensors, 相机, 以及其他数据来源. They selected the best solution to efficiently collect and supply information to various state departments, 公共安全, 还有旅行者.

慷慨的10/100/1000端口计数, 坡, 坡+和高坡能力, 1/10G上行链路, 自动配置元素,如智能结构, 强大友好的网络管理系统(NMS), 以及丰富的互联网络和城域功能集, all offer the perfect combination for the department to achieve its forward looking vision. NDOT已经开始部署首批70辆,数量将达到数百辆 OmniSwitch 6865开关.


请查看 OmniSwitch 6865年代 or contact an Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise representative 了解更多信息 about how the OS6865 can get you on the road to making your ITS life a whole lot easier.




Kevin首先是一名商业技术顾问. 他目前是ALE的美国西南部客户总监, bringing almost three decades of experience and successful results in business technology. Kevin is guided by a philosophy that “life is a journey of moment-by-moment growth or atrophy,,而他的个人旅程指引是成长的决定性选择.

Every moment is an opportunity to make a difference and the difference that I am committed to making is a positive one of progress and fulfillment for everyone.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 

标签- 物联网, 运输
