
Xavier Martin
August 30, 2023

Emerging technology, 包括人工智能, 是否正在推动从客户服务到客户满意度的转变.


Between the need to consider new communication habits ― in the midst of the exponential increase in use of electronic media and other social networks ― and the need to maintain the humanness of interactions between people, decision-makers are faced with a challenge unlike any they have encountered. Tackling this dichotomy will mean rethinking how organisations can use technology to satisfy today’s increasingly demanding customers. The good news is emerging technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new tools and applications are helping organisations move from customer service to customer satisfaction.

To be fair, 许多公司已经在这个地区进行了投资, including integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools where possible. 此外,多渠道参与几乎已成为常态. Today, 而电话仍然是最常用的媒体, 新渠道包括电子邮件, social networks, and voice or chat bots, to name a few, are gaining ground. 就后者而言, one of the top priorities will be to enable them with a level of ‘intelligence’ to challenge a human advisor who, for the time-being at least, 会继续在这个领域拥有决定性的优势吗.

随着对胜利和让客户满意的追求的继续, organisations, 受到近期技术进步的推动, are shifting their focus from merely providing customer service to ensuring customer satisfaction. 他们也敏锐地意识到技术能带来什么, technology can disrupt, 一个失误就可能对他们的品牌造成永久的不可挽回的损害.

来帮助穿越这片新领地, we have mapped out five key elements to help organisations turn customer service into a customer satisfaction engine.

1. 360°客户体验: 今天,大多数互动都是在上下文中进行的. These exchanges are also an opportunity for the customer to provide information, whether structured (figures, dates) or not (feelings, events). Unfortunately, the latter data, which may not be recorded into a system ― essentially rendering it to the dead letter pile ― will mean the customer will move from incredulous to annoyed as they are asked to recount their saga again and again. 360°客户体验可以改变这一切. 有了聚合客户接触点的技术, 面向客户的员工有全面, context-based account of the customer experience and can provide the service and attention today’s customers expect.

2. Self-service: There are few people left on the planet who have not experienced the ever-familiar, "type 1 for... type 2 for...”. Customer relationship managers continue to be challenged with keeping agents ― a scarce and expensive resource ― from tasks with little added value, while offloading those low value tasks to Interactive Voice Response (IVR) machines. 然而,“自助服务”正在经历一场由人工智能创新引领的革命. We are seeing the emergence of a generation of intelligent conversational robots ― voice bots ― capable of reasoning and therefore of doing much more than just the basic tasks. These bots are aided, in particular, 通过语音识别技术的进步, 不会取代人与人之间真正的对话, 倾向于使关系人性化.

3. Sentiment analysis: Sentiment analysis detects and interprets what lies behind the natural language. 我们知道感觉和情绪对任何客户体验有多重要, which helps us appreciate the challenge of deploying technologies that capture the sentiments. Today, 我们有能力提取一种感觉, beyond the raw information, 无论是电子邮件还是语音通话,并将其应用到关系中.

Sentiment analysis is essential in developing quality customer relations, but it is complex. First, 理解这种感觉是必要的, 然后将信息与主题联系起来, a delicate phase since people express themselves differently on the telephone, 在电子邮件或社交网络上. Next comes the application phase, where the information can provide value to future exchanges.

4. The extended enterprise: The term "extended enterprise" refers to the ability to include the whole company in the customer relationship experience. 这意味着客户满意度策略是共享的, 被所有员工理解和接受.

The extended enterprise already exists in organisations whose activity is subject to predictable peaks in demand. For example, suppliers of products or services whose volume of orders is linked to the calendar: Black Friday, Christmas, 情人节和母亲节, among others. 这就是所谓的水平延伸, 一次性动员全体员工并事先同意. At the same time, however, 可以预见,扩展后的企业, in vertical mode this time, will also develop, 涉及各行各业, 而且不再是季节性的,而是持续的. 这使得专家和他们的同事一起站在第一线, 愿意提供援助并参与集体努力. However, to make this a reality the company must provide all staff involved with the necessary 协作工具和平台.

5. An omnichannel strategy: While the spectrum of engagement means has remained more or less the same for several years, in most cases the effort to bring coherence between all these channels remains to be seen. The challenge is in processing information independently of its media of origin, 在未来的交易中以“中性”的方式进行恢复和使用, 这样就消除了与其来源相关的特殊性.

Burgeoning technology is disrupting the customer service playing field which, 即使经过20年的不断创新, 达到现状并要求新的体验吗. 各行各业正在加速数字化转型, 由新一代决策者掌舵. Today’s organisations are gearing up to respond to the needs and expectations of increasingly knowledgeable and demanding customer base as they transform their customer management centres into customer satisfaction centres.

Discover more about the new era of customer satisfaction management by downloading our 改善数字通信时代的客户体验 eBook.

Xavier Martin

Xavier Martin


Xavier Martin is Vice President, Market Development at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. In this role, he leads the Solution Marketing and Business Intelligence team for the Communications Business Division. 

Xavier has more than 25 years of management experience in the software solutions industry, 包括商业情报和客户服务. In 2013, 他出版了《火狐体育手机官网》一书, a book that explains how organizations can leverage technology and consumer-led transformation to enter a new era of enterprise communications, 预示着今天所谓的数字化转型.

Xavier has a Master’s degree in Telecom and Computer Sciences from Supinfo, Paris, France.

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